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2023-03-30 02:23:11  150次浏览 次浏览
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英语翻译基础 (357)

满分150分 时长150分钟



1. a year-on-year increase in nominal terms

2. a zero-sum game

3. carbon sequestration

4. cross-border e-commerce

5. debris flow

6. FAO

7. food security

8. home appliances

9. match point

10. MVP

11. the Cyberspace Administration of China

12. the General Office of the CPC Central Committee

13. the WHO Director General

14. to roll out the red carpet for someone

15. legal tenders

16. 《联合国海洋法公约》

17. 不良反应

18. 揣着明白装糊涂

19. 大数据杀熟

20. 开源的操作系统

21. 明知故犯

22. 全国人民政治协商会议

23. 人均预期寿命

24. 无序扩张

25. 新冠病毒的德尔塔变异毒株

26. 炫富

27. 循环经济

28. 易燃物品

29. 赢者通吃

30. 应急管理部



English to Chinese

Asia's Dynamic Economies Continue to Lead Global Growth

strong growth ahead

In China, the region’s biggest and the world’s second largest economy,

policy stimulus is expected to keep supporting demand. Although still robust

with 2017 first quarter growth slightly stronger than expected, growth is

projected to decelerate to 6.6 percent in 2017 and 6.2 in 2018. This slowdown is

predicated on a cooling housing market, partly reflecting recent tightening

measures, weaker wage and consumption growth, and a stable fiscal deficit. In

most of the Southeast Asian economies, growth is expected to accelerate

somewhat, supported by robust domestic demand: an important driver of growth in

these countries.

uncertain outlook: downside risks

The region’s outlook, however, is clouded with uncertainty. On the plus

side, larger- than-expected fiscal stimulus in the United States or stronger

business and consumer confidence in advanced economies could provide a further

boost to Asia’s exports and growth. Reforms, such as productive public

investment in infrastructure in ASEAN and South Asian economies, could help

prolong the positive momentum. But if the U.S. fiscal stimulus leads to

higher-than-expected inflation pressures, the Federal Reserve could accelerate

the pace of interest rate increases in response, leading to a stronger U.S.

dollar. A sudden tightening of global financial conditions could adversely

impact Asian economies with high external financing needs and weak private

sector balance sheets, including by triggering capital outflows and unwinding of

productive investment projects. Asian economies are especially vulnerable to

protectionism because of their trade openness and integration to global value

chains. A global shift toward inward-looking policies could suppress Asia’s

exports and reduce foreign direct investment to Asia. Furthermore, a

bumpier-than-expected transition in China or geopolitical tensions in the region

could also weaken near-term growth. (285 words)


说到围棋,大家时间想到的可能会是人工智能AlphaGo和世界李世石 (Lee Se-dol) 的“人机大战”。之所以选用围棋,

原因就在于这一项目的计算量 大得惊人,人们想要看看到底是人脑更胜一筹,还是AI棋高一着。

棋盘纵横十九道,黑白棋子各百余。下围棋既要掌控全局又要寸土必争,既要杀 伐果断又要深谋远虑,其中反映的是中国人的处世之道:围棋虽然也有攻防角力,


一盘围棋结束之后,原本看似黑白对立水火不容的双方势力能共存在这一片棋盘 上, 胜者的“领土面积”一般也就比败者多一点点而已, 这正是中国文化里“和


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